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International lawyers consulted by Greek government on Parthenon Marbles issue

The Chairman of the International Association for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures David Hill is in Greece with three prominent international lawyers to discuss legal options open to the Greek Government for the return of the Parthenon sculptures.


An open letter to the British Government on participation in the UNESCO mediation process


The International Association for the Reunification for the Parthenon Marbles has sent an open letter to the British Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary & Culture Secretary, encouraging them to participate in the UNESCO organised mediation process proposed by Greece for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles.

A similarly worded letter has also been sent to all 24 trustees of the British Museum.



Support for the UNESCO mediation process


An international organisation supporting the return to Greece of the British Museum’s collection of Parthenon Sculptures has urged Britain to agree to have the dispute mediated by UNESCO.
The Chairman of the International Association for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures, David Hill, has written to British Prime Minister David Cameron urging Britain to accept the recent offer of UNESCO to mediate the issue.


A letter from the IARPS to the British Prime Minister

The International Association for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures have sent an open letter to British Prime Minister, Dave Cameron. In this letter, they urge Britain to accept UNESCO's invitation to enter into mediation with Greece to resolve the issue of the Parthenon Marbles.


The reunification of the Parthenon Marbles – a European concern

The Swiss Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures are organising a round table discussion taking place at the European Parliament in Brussels.



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